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Traveler, Sorceress, Star maiden #quasar #nikolatesla #ComtedeSaintGermain #eliphaslevi #eagle #god #play #yougle #yukoeagle #oumegumi #stars #gold #awamigumi

Sep 19, 2021, 8 tweets

The entire human body is recapitulated in the unity of a single organ, which is the brain. All religions are summed up in the unity of a single dogma, which is the affirmation of being and its equality with itself, and this constitutes its mathematical value.

There is only one dogma in Magic, and it is this: The visible is the manifestation of the invisible, or, in other terms, the perfect word, in things appreciable and visible, bears an exact proportion to the things which are inappreciable by our senses and unseen by our eyes.

The Magus raises one hand towards heaven and points down with the other to earth, saying: “Above, immensity: Below immensity still! Immensity equals immensity.” – This is true in things seen, as in things unseen.
The first letter in the alphabet of the sacred language, Aleph, ',

represents a man extending one hand towards heaven and the other to earth. It is an expres- sion of the active principle in everything; it is creation in heaven corresponding to the omnipotence of the word below. This letter is a pantacle in itself – that is,

a character expressing the universal science. It is supplementary to the sacred signs of the Macrocosm and Microcosm; it explains the Masonic double-triangle and five-pointed blazing star; for the word is one & revelation is one. By endowing man with reason, God gave him speech;

and revelation, manifold in its forms but one in its principle, consists entirely in the universal word, the interpreter of absolute reason. This is the significance of that term so much misconstrued, CATHOLIC- ITY, which, in modern hieratic language, means INFALLIBILITY.

The universal in reason is the Absolute, and the Absolute is the infallible. If absolute reason impelled universal society to believe irresistibly the utterance of a child, that child would be infallible by the ordination of God and of all humanity.

Faith is nothing else but reasonable confidence in this unity of reason and in this universality of the word.

Eliphas Levi

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