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Sep 19, 2021, 14 tweets

$NOIA new thread

First of all, if I have a partnership with @Syntropynet is because of something. I've been supporting it genuinely since July 2020, without any kind of deal, doing DCA since the first day and not selling a single token.

I will tell you why


The tokenomics are perfectly designed to run like a clockwork. The $NOIA token will be the core of everything.


The demand of the token will increase as the number of users of the technology increase, and considering that the team has focused primarily on this, the user base will be measured in the millions.


T1 exchanges, which have been in high request in recent months, will come soon.

Also, they will announce enterprise clients, with 15+ Fortune Global 500.


@Syntropynet can be used everywhere. The number of real use cases is huge and every company and project will want to use it because it incredibly improves performance and security.


Syntropy's Amber Chain launch was a few days ago, being the first step towards their own blockchain, the #Syntropy blockchain. This will allow to onboard validators, integrate the ERC-20 smart contracts, and move towards the full release.


Regarding #staking, validators will be able to reclaim their rewards soon, and nominator staking will start in October, locking more than 50% of the circulating supply.

This will result in a very reduced selling pressure. Bullish.


Despite the drop in price on the entire crypto market (April-June), the price of $NOIA has recovered very quickly and the number of holders is only increasing.


Now let's post some charts and some price predictions for the next months/years.

Main chart without any indicators or drawings show a clear bullish trend. Everyone can see this.


This bullish trend is similar to the one that $BTC had in 2010-2012, or Facebook in 2013-2016.

This is not a coincidence, and you already now what happened with Bitcoin after that. Also, $NOIA recovery after the w2 retracement is being stronger.


Chart against Bitcoin is following the fractal that I posted some weeks ago. This gives us a minimum target of 3000 sats before the end of the year.


Finally, we are going to look at some potential targets for the long term.

$NOIA has the same supply as $LINK

$NOIA: 479M circulating supply and 1B total supply
$LINK: 453M circulating supply and 1B total supply


In my opinion, $NOIA is way much better than $LINK, not only in technology but also in use cases.

Considering that LINK reached $50 and that in early 2019 its price was similar to the current $NOIA price ($0.45), I have no doubt $NOIA will reach $50+ in the next few years.


The market cap of $NOIA is still $215M-$220M. You are still early.


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