Bethany Cherisse Profile picture
Wherever they burn the books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~ Heinrich Heine

Sep 19, 2021, 5 tweets


I've covered a lot from Victoria recently. This comes from Sydney.

This is the absolutely DISGRACEFUL tyrant thugs that @nswpolice have become.

The following thread outlines the story of a NURSING student, in her own words:

"My name is Natalia. I am a mother of 2 children from South Western Sydney. I have never been in trouble with the police, I have no criminal record.
I am a 3 year nursing student, but after being indecently assaulted by the NSW Police I am resigning in protest."

"In the video you are about to see I was simply walking in the park when male Riot Police tackled me to the ground, demanded I produce my documents and lifted up my skirt exposing my underwear and private parts.
I sustained injuries and bruising to my legs and parts of my body."

"I feel violated and traumatised. I have been studying to become a nurse for the last 3 years of my life and in protest to the government's campaign of fear and tyranny I resign In protest.
I know that thousands of other Australian doctors and nurses feel the same way as I do."

"To the men of Australia, "Where are you? The women need your help and protection!"
Police are out of control bashing the elderly and indecently assaulting mothers and health professionals."

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