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Hold leaders accountable to represent us. Consequences for the attempted coup on Jan 6th.#innocentpeopledont #USAorInc

Sep 19, 2021, 13 tweets

1. Donald Trump spent months planning the January 6 telling his followers lies about election fraud & encouraging them to “fight” for him. He tweeted about a big protest in D.C. that would be “wild” not peaceful.

2. Despite chatter of planned violence on social media & likely law enforcement intelligence Donald Trump did not arrange appropriate security & crowd control & had no permit to march to on Jan. 6. That led to the storming of the Capitol & people dying.

3. With inciting speeches to “kick ass” “sacrifice blood” “trial by combat”
Trump attacked democracy, targeted elected officials, & spouted lies about the election. Told them “fight” or they wouldn’t have a country anymore then sent them to the Capitol…

4. After the Capitol was stormed & people died from his incitement Donald Trump tweets he will not be attend the inauguration. This is a message to his followers who are planning armed insurrections that he will not honor a peaceful transfer of power & he is appropriately banned

5. When Donald Trump was behind in the polls he began spreading election fraud lies & militarizing his followers. He set the stage for the insurrection on January 6th early

The Trump campaign & dark money groups invested in getting as many people to Washington as possible for a “Wild” protest not a peaceful protest.
The violence was part of the plan.

7. The insurrectionists have been consistent since January 6th. Donald Trump sent them to the Capitol. Multiple defendants have stated in court that they stormed the Capitol because they were told to by Donald Trump.

8. The Mob mentality Donald Trump incited got out of hand very quickly. He told his crowd they would not like Mike Pence anymore if he did his Constitutional duties & it led to gallows being constructed outside & chants of “Hang Mile Pence”

“We were invited by the president of the United States”

“We were invited by the President of the United States!”

“We were invited by the President of the United States”

Prior to January 6th Donald Trump corruptly pardoned three convicted felons in Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, & Michael Flynn. They have all been tied to helping to plan the coup. Hold them accountable!…

Hold the Seditionist Republicans accountable!

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