Steven Dennis Profile picture
Bloomberg reporter / Congress. Opinions mine. #FridayNightZillow #CheapZillow for fun. RTs ≠. Tips:

Sep 19, 2021, 10 tweets

Things are cheaper in Minnesota.

🔥🤯18BRs, 18BAs, ???$220K????

The sign kind of has a @StephenKing kind of vibe.


Rooms seem ok, there's a real kitchen and some sweet industrial washers and dryers too. What am I missing? We should like totally buy this place right now, right, and make a killing?

Lots of parking, no HOA. Sure, it doesn't look like much from the outside, but you can live here and just rake in cash. Monthly payment a little over $1,000 a month.

Features "HOOKUPS"! RV friendly. What more could you want, really.

3.5 stars on TripAdvisor. 4.1 stars on Google. Everybody praises someone there named Joyce.…

This cute 4BR house down the street is $125K.
America, or at least Minnesota, has affordable housing:…

Feels like we could make an A+ reality show about a city slicker family that moves here to buy the motel and the cute house and hilarity and/or horror ensues.

Ada, Minnesota is growing on me.

Maybe this North Dakota property is a better deal.

*72BRs, 72BAs in 30 fully furnished townhouses* in oil country for just, checks notes, $1.6M!🛢️💰

7 years old. Zippo charm, but...…

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