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It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward FC Bayern 🔴⚪| Englishman, German football enthusiast.

Sep 19, 2021, 17 tweets

In 2017 Thomas Muller was the subject of an £85m bid from Man United. Thomas Muller himself distanced himself from getting involved with the 'big circus' that football has become.

🗣️"Modern day footballers are like commercial goods, no human is worth the absurd fees paid"

Thomas Muller says that having fun on the pitch is his main focus, and refuses to talk about the money side of the game.

🗣️"You are only going to put yourself under a lot of pressure if you start thinking about a high transfer fee"- Thomas Muller in 2017.

In 2019 it was announced by Uli Hoeness that Bayern Munich would be changing it's transfer policy, by integrating a more youthful team for the future.

At this time, Bayern had just broken their transfer record, to bring in Atleti defender Lucas Hernandez, for €80m.

The fee for Hernandez made the Frenchman the second most expensive defender in history, coming in behind Van Dijks move to Liverpool

🗣️" I was surprised our €80m was criticised so much"- Uli Hoeness.

"We believe the time has come for Bayern to put their hard-earned money

On the market to bring back a new, young team to the pitch," Hoeness added.

Current Bayern president Herbert Hainer doesn't understand the role FFP plays in football, in relation to the massive amounts paid out.

🗣️"I'm still trying to understand how that goes along with FFP"

The Bayern president was speaking after PSG announced a deal to sign Lionel Messi, and agreeing to take on his amazing salary.

🗣️"As PSG are currently upgrading, we will take a close look at how that can be reconciled with UEFA rules. We stick to it, and expect others to do so"

Bayern Munich have always put character and values in line with footballing ability, in who they persue. Every player needs to buy into the ethos of the club, it doesn't matter how talented you are, if you don't fit the clubs profile, we don't want you.

For me personally, these are players that will define a club, and make a larger mark on it, because they are at the club for the right reasons. Bayern Munich is one of the few remaining super clubs, who also regard themselves as a close knit family.

A wage cap needs to be implemented in the higher end of football, rules and regulators need to be employed to stop wages and the subsequent failures of them, from getting out of hand.

I am proud that at Bayern Munich, to earn the top wages, you have to earn it on the pitch.

So many youngsters in football are given crazy wages at a very young age, before they've even began to make it in the game. The rise of the so called "super agents" in football are a cancer to the game.

We have players like Erling Haaland who's demands through his agent are into astronomical numbers. Are these players worth being paid upwards of 40m a year. Absolutely not. Now while these are pure speculation numbers, clubs like PSG etc would happily pay it, to appear relevant.

Back in 2017 the England manager Gareth Southgate spoke out about high wages in football, saying that too much too soon can kill motivation.

🗣️"They are intrinsically unmotivated , they lose a bit of an edge. The biggest problem is we reward them before they've won anything"

Paying players salarys into the tens of millions too early, can make some players lose the spark that makes them the players they are.

I want a team where my players are paid based on their performances on the pitch, and like in every job, you are rewarded for consistency.

Bayern Munich are a club who go about these things the right way, it is why we have such a family atmosphere, and a group of hugely motivated youngsters, eager to impress and earn their places at the pantheon of Die Roten.

Wages are crippling the game that we love, and if it continues on the path it's currently on, then I fear what may happen. We at Bayern though, will never bend to these demands, the clubs values and morals are worth more than publicity through massive wages.

Javi Martinez recently left the club after nearly 10 years at the Allianz, and he knows how special Bayerns philosophy is.

🗣️"From the very first day, I felt the ‘Mia san mia’ and the special nature of FC Bayern. I lived for this club, always gave everything for it"

MiaSanMia and MiaSanFamilie are what makes this club unique. To play for Bayern Munich is an honour in itself, and if you play well, you know you'll have earned the mantle of club legend.

This is my club, we do it the RIGHT way.

#MiaSanMia @FCBayern

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