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Many hats. Microbiologist, Health & Tech nerd, Egalitarian, Pan-Africanist, I Blog, The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

Sep 19, 2021, 10 tweets

Volcano eruption in Atlantic Island.
#VolcanLaPalma #VolcandeLaPalma #volcanoEruption

Lava from volcano on La Palma, Canary Islands, destroys houses and forces thousands to evacuate
#LaPalmaeruption #VolcanoLaPalma

Lava continues to flow slowly from a volcano that erupted in Spain’s Canary Islands off northwest Africa.
#VolcanoLaPalma #lapalmavolcano #VolcandeLaPalma #LaPalmaeruption

Lava fills swimming pool as La Palma eruption continues – video
#LaPalma #LaPalmaeruption #VolcandeLaPalma #VolcanLaPalma

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