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Find me at Blue-Sky: https://t.co/jXSNZH9vAx Architect working & 📝 on passivhaus, climate, social housing. 📖 Building for People: @islandpress 12/2024

Sep 19, 2021, 11 tweets

does the city of seattle actually have mode shift goals or targets? are we anywhere close to hitting them?

the city of freiburg has halved number of trips by car - and as they add car-light ecodistricts and densify city - this shift will keep increasing

freiburg grew by 20%, & reduced CO2 emissions per capita by a third, since 1992.

bike infra investment
transit investment and prioritization
pedestrian zones
re-compaction and car-light ecodistricts
investment in green energy

seattle's CO2 per cap has been flat for last decade

city of essen's mode shift goals

seattle's road transportation emissions.

cars cars cars are the problem

do you think we're re-purposing roads to prioritize green mobility, better quality of life, and climate action in a major way?

like this:


LMAO we're turning 4 lane roads, into 9 and 10 lane roads instead.

like this: theurbanist.org/2021/08/25/tra…

think we've added diverters to make it easy to bike/walk/bus, reduce cut-through traffic and induce more sustainable modes of mobility?

like this?


salzburg's modal split 2018/2030 goal

vienna's modal splits between 1993-2019 have shifted drastically - and their biking infra is improving much more than ours

less than a quarter of kids in vienna get to school by being driven by their parents


even in vienna's single family homes and duplexes - most people aren't driving in car (Pkw) or a passenger

squad goals??

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