Eden Gillespie Profile picture
Queensland reporter @guardianaus | Instagram: edengillespiejournalist | eden.gillespie@theguardian.com

Sep 19, 2021, 9 tweets

Some construction workers are protesting mandatory vaccine requirements outside a CFMEU office in Victoria.

It looks like the office they’re protesting out the front of is actually closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

One construction worker in this livestream, who isn’t wearing a mask, just claimed he was at the Melbourne anti-lockdown protest on Saturday.

He’s wearing a shirt with false information written on it (i.e. “the vaccine is COVID-19”

More construction workers have shown up outside the CFMEU office in Victoria to protest against mandatory vaccines.

A union official has asked the crowd: "please calm down".

Things are very tense. Some construction workers are now screaming and swearing at union workers.

"We're not the enemy. I don't know what youse have heard," the union official says.

Construction workers are now screaming at this union official calling him a "snake" and "gutless c---".

Construction workers are now chanting "f--- the jab"

The official is asking workers to allow him to talk. They are yelling expletives at him.

This protest has descended into absolute chaos.

Union officials were unable to calm the crowd and retreated inside. Construction workers began fighting officials and throwing projectiles.

"You got your point across," a CFMEU Victoria official tells protesters.

"Either you stay here or walk to Parliament where the problem is."

Protesters now yelling "walk with us" and "lead the way" at union officials.

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