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Views are my own; Correspondent; Commentator

Sep 20, 2021, 14 tweets

We knew.

Ohhh, we knew.

Here's Bill Clinton, Jack Ma, & Elizabeth Holmes; Clinton's discussing "developing a comprehensive blood test" cloaked under "social equality" in Beijing.

Holmes: "[Tech] focused on health, and access to health information," "to get people well enough to go to school and to be able to pursue economic development."

Hunter, Boies Schiller Flexner, Paradigm & Burisma...

Burisma-Hunter; Boies; Ukraine Gas; Oligarch (see pinned thread for more on Ukraine):

Remarkable discoveries from this dig:
1)Clinton Hunter Dev Initiative
CHDI (cross-ref with CHAI)

2) Clinton Climate Initiative (partnered w/Rocky Mountain Institute-Carbon War Room); released a "National Energy Roadmap," parroting to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2025.
So many agendas...
😷 💨⛽ 🌞 🍃

Why is Rwanda important?


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