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Sep 20, 2021, 18 tweets

Real-world examples of the Data structure "Tree"👇

A thread🧵

🔸A tree
The nodes that give birth to other nodes under them is called a "parent node" and its children are simply called "daughter node" or "children nodes". The main stem of the tree is called the "root node".

The family of Mr. Alpha can be represented as a tree where Mr. Alpha has two children - Mr. Charlie and Mr. Romeo and similarly they both have two children.

🔸A hierarchical company structure

🔸An organism classification tree

🔸A Tree Corresponding to the Markup Elements of a Web Page

🔸Folder structure in an Operating system

🔸An XML Tree structure

🔸 Decision-based algorithm used in machine learning

🔸Database indexing
In database indexing, B trees are used to sort data for simplified searching, insertion, and deletion

🔸DNS Servers
Domain Name Servers (DNS) also use tree structures.

🔸Quora comments
Posting questions on quora, the comments are child of questions

🔸Comments on Twitter
The comment to a tweet on Twitter is a child of that tweet and similarly, a reply to your comment is your child of that comment

🔸Routing tables
A routing table is used to link routers in a network. It is usually implemented with a trie data structure.
The tree data structure will store the location of routers based on their IP addresses. Routers with similar addresses are grouped under a single subtree.

🔸Data compression using Huffman coding

This is the end of the thread.

Real-life examples for other data structures coming soon. Be sure to give a follow to @meetjain74

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Parsing and UI hierarchy are also examples of tree that can be added to this list

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