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Sep 20, 2021, 7 tweets

Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor for the past 16 years, has moved the country from being the ‘sick man of Europe’ to become an economic powerhouse.

So what has she changed in Germany?

Perhaps most remarkable of all, Merkel, who enjoys an 80% popularity rating, has overseen vastly expanded job opportunities for women and the old, all while taking in more than a million refugees…

With unemployment near a two-decade low, almost 70% of Germans say they are happy with their economic situation. However, not all of that success is thanks to Merkel, but to her predecessor, Gerhard Schröder…

Arguably, the Merkel era’s biggest achievement has been an extraordinary rate of job creation — especially for women. Germany today has the highest rate of female labour force participation among all G7 countries…

Despite the growth and rise in jobs, there has been little modernisation in Germany. Critics say that low rates of public investment have left the country ill-prepared for the future…

Germany’s shift to the digital economy has also not been strong. Lack of investment has led to low penetration of high-speed broadband and below-average mobile broadband data consumption…

Who will succeed Angela Merkel to become Germany's next chancellor? Follow our poll tracker here:…

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