Vincent Rajkumar Profile picture
Editor-in-Chief, Blood Cancer Journal; Oncologist; Cancer Research; Opinions are solely my personal views

Sep 20, 2021, 8 tweets

Canada is almost 70% fully vaccinated. Only 5 states are close to that level in the US. Why?

% Fully vaccinated disparity:
12 states 60-70%
19 states 50-60%
19 states 40-50%…

How it looks for COVID related deaths since vaccinations started.

Too 12 states. Note only few are at the level of Canada.

Middle 19

19 states under 50% fully vaccinated.

The 15% disparity between US and Canada is 50 million people. Not trivial difference.

Now let's see what happens in well vaccinated country which also is a role model for adherence to other protective measures.

Basically we have overwhelming data, not just from the randomized trials, but also from multiple real world studies that vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe disease. Why we cannot translate this information into getting our vaccination rates to >70% is just sad.

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