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#LOVE #CosmosFactory #BuyMeABeachHouse #CoffeeV 2016 I Theorized a WWW Network had been created specifically to INFLUENCE WESTERN SOCIETY / Now Validated

Sep 20, 2021, 33 tweets

Down a Rabbithole this morning chasing down 'non-local' people providing website resources for a local rural 'Recall Movement' and stumbled on this:

'Weev's Letter from Prison', to, Tor Eklund, Lawyer

Linked via:

Whois and aka Whois:

...who also posts:


'Silent Flame'

Links, Backlinks and Redirects

SPWhitton / SilentFlame

SilentFlame to SPWhitton

Mail RecallShasta Org to SilentFlame

Domains with Mail Server: 'RecallShasta Org'

'RecallShasta Org' BULGARIA

'RecallShasta' Redirects

dot Com > dot Org

'RecallShasta dot Com' to 'RecallShasta dot Org'

Rabbithole: 'RecallShasta dot Com'

A Russian and a Rural Militia are involved in effort to recall three members of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors...

'RecallShasta': Your Constitutional Rights At Risk'

'RecallShasta' on 'KMediaTech'

Whois: 'RecallShasta'

internet bs and KMediatech?

Whois: 'RecallShasta'

KMediaTech, Bulgaria

Whois: 'RecallShasta'


One Domain uses 'Mail RecallShasta Org'

'Internet Bs' and 'Hacking Bellingcat'

Privacy Protection via Internet Bs

'Hacking Bellingcat'

KMediaTech, Sofia, Bulgaria

KMediatech Bulgaria / RecallShasta

Why is a Russian, new to rural Shasta County, California, involved in local 'Militia Campaigns' conspiring to overthrow local, state and national government via propaganda, events and TV advertising paid for and prepared out of area?

Odd how he embedded himself in the scene.

"Not a damn thing you can do to stop me … You say something enough times, and it sticks in peoples minds.”
– Vladislav Davidzon, 'Red, White and Blueprint' group of rural Shasta County, California

via anewscafe.com/2021/08/23/red…

Vladislav Davidzon:

Russian 'Founder' of 'LIBERTY INCUBATOR' in Rural Redneck Shasta County, militia and anti-government pro-Trump anti-vax activist

Where did this Russian come from and who gave him marching orders?

Vladislav Davidzon's 'LIBERTY INCUBATOR' on Facebook, a group hellbent of recalling local government and fomenting anti-government and anti-democratic hate


Vladislav Davidzon:

Making accusations against Board of Supervisors and County Staff, as recorded in The Minutes

VLAD: Self-Employed 'Social Change Engineer'

Candidate for Mayor of Portland, Oregon, North Hollywood, Berkeley and now Redding, California

Vlad gets around.

Portland Mayor Candidate, 2008
H/T @HiblerDana

So this Rabbithole stared with a 'RecallShasta' poster and led me down 'la madriguera' (the burrow), with rooms. And just like, 'La Madriguera' we find Red-Pilled Rabbits Folloing the White Rabbit' (Sigue al Conejo Blanco)

(archived screenshot used for effect and affinity)

I'll end with link to Thread (with links to news) created last week about, 'Davidzon', 'RecallShasta movement and Players including Milita' and their ties to 'DC Rally, Trump and Radical Christian Crusaders'

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