Eden Gillespie Profile picture
Queensland reporter @guardianaus | Instagram: edengillespiejournalist | eden.gillespie@theguardian.com

Sep 21, 2021, 9 tweets

There is a heavy police presence today as people rock up to protest outside of the CFMEU building in Melbourne.

An anti-lockdown Telegram group has encouraged people to attend today after the attack on the building yesterday.

The protest has been going on for about 40mins. So far there has been a lot of shouting and swearing at the police.

CFMEU boarded up. Mounted police and riot squad in attendance.

Some are angry about the claims "right-wing extremists" and "Nazis" orchestrated yesterday's event.

It's unclear whether these people attended the event yesterday but there seems to be a real mix of people here today.

Riot police have given the crowd several warnings now. Some members of the crowd in this livestream have yelled: "we're not scared of you" and "come here".

A standoff between police and those in attendance continues.

People are now yelling "f--k the jab" as they set off flares and march down the street.

Police now guarding the Parliament of Victoria.

Police are blocking the entrance to Flinders St Station. Haven't seen any major clashes yet - like we saw yesterday.

Protesters are now blocking the freeway causing traffic to come to a halt

So we are five hours in now. Some people have thrown projectiles at police. No big clashes have erupted between protesters and police as of yet.

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