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I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Sep 21, 2021, 5 tweets

.@NatalieJHarp exposing Michael Sussmann. The Clinton lawyer that was just indicted by John Durham.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @NatalieJHarp it’s not strange for connections to pop up like this in a small town so it’s not surprising but it still shouldn’t stop the judge from recusing himself.

.@LeeSmithDC says One of John Durham‘s problems is that he’s now under supervision of the Joe Biden justice department. There could be a lot of Joe Biden allies that could be caught in the investigation.

.@LeeSmithDC says it’s very important to understand the spy warrant wasn’t just about planting an October surprise on the Trump campaign. The purpose for the warrant was to break into the Trump campaign to see if they had any Hillary emails.

.@LeeSmithDC says this charge carries up to five years and white colored criminals don’t like to do time so there’s a good chance he could flip.

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