Odie March,
BTS ARMY | 🧵 Writer | Nerd 👓 Patreon: https://t.co/zd0YURGVZ9

Sep 21, 2021, 24 tweets

At the Intersection of Racism and Misogyny Sits a Paralyzing Fear of BTS - Here's Why

[By Thread Poll Request]

BTS has long since transcended their music superstar status. They’re not just very talented and hardworking artists, but they also encourage and inspire an entire generation, and that power cannot be taken for granted.

BTS wield an immense amount of public influence while also representing a massive generational shift in how young men are expected to behave towards each other and how male celebrities in their position view and treat their female fans.

But, of course, not everyone is happy to be witnessing this change. And so we get concern trolls, snide commentary, and out-and-out sexist and racist remarks.

I have long believed that if you dig beneath the anger and the hate, what you'll ultimately find is fear. BTS and ARMY might be getting it from both sides (misogyny and prejudice), but the perpetrators are actually the ones feeling the brunt of their toxic mindset.

There is a paralyzing fear of BTS's success and that wall of change they're bringing with them as they continue to thrive in the global spotlight.

Here's why that is.

1.) BTS happily subverts toxic masculinity while denying traditional patriarchal power structures the ability to claim them or the ability to feel they have any sway over their image or careers.

I still think about the power Boy With Luv holds, from its color scheme, inclusive choreography, to defying expectations of treating the female lead as an object or prize.

Ultimately, BTS continue to demonstrate that they're not interested in endearing themselves to aspects of music and media who cannot accept them for who they are while also repeatedly demanding they throw their female fandom under the bus for brownie points.

As I said before, BTS came to the West with colorful hair, a flawless skin routine, and a massive female-led fandom and they're not abandoning any of them to make a bunch of pressed old farts happy.

BTS can see the benefits of developing & encouraging healthy relationships.

BTS stand as a direct contrast to toxic male figures in pop culture who treat honest, vulnerable expressions of emotions as "cheesy" or bad...even as these bubbled up emotions cause untold emotional harm to many men and boys throughout society.

This toxic masculinity permeates much of the music world and various male-centric spaces. As writer Joshua Edmunds explained:

Because BTS stands as a subversion to toxic masculinity and authority figures that hold such views "dear," they are probably terrifying because they do not feel any sort of pressure or obligation to yield.

They are open and vulnerable with each other and ARMY, and that requires-

a level of fearlessness and emotional freedom that, ironically, the staunchest supporters of stiff-upper-lip masculinity lack. Because how can you be free and fearless when you are told to hide your emotions and mistreat women because that's how you define manliness?

2.) BTS and ARMY have NOT abandoned each other

BTS were repeatedly encouraged to distance themselves from ARMY. They were given every opportunity to mock us, call us crazy, and denigrate us because that's what the Western media and music industry does to young women for breathing too loud.

Just the same, ARMY are repeatedly harassed and insulted by people who've never listened to a BTS song a day in their life because of an assumption that their music lacks depth and quality because young girls like it. And yet we resist being guilt-tripped away from BTS's music.

BTS has ultimately unleashed an empowered female-led fandom onto the world. One that fully grasps that power and uses it as we see fit, and without asking permission of anyone or possessing a need to prove ourselves to sexist industry gatekeepers who constantly underestimate us.

With each passing year, BTS and ARMY get closer. Closer, and not further apart. Because we often view each other as the persons that are in each other's corners no matter what, this level of trust and mutual respect doesn't decay. We are always happy to see & support each other.

It would certainly be easier for those who view BTS and ARMY through racist and sexist lenses to have their way if BTS and ARMY fell out. However, these people simply do not have the power necessary to gaslight either party into giving in and going our separate ways.

You Can't "Big Mad" Away Change; The Future Doesn't Need Your Permission

It's inevitable that some people will go out of their way to be on the wrong side of history. I guess they feel if they scream loud enough, time will move backward and their antiquated world views will continue to hold weight.

They can't move forward into a future where anyone can be a superstar or girls are encouraged to like and love themselves. They don't have the courage or the imagination and they're too afraid to admit it.

But that's their problem, one that won't stop us or BTS from thriving.

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