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Sep 21, 2021, 9 tweets

THREAD: MBA programs have a diversity problem and we’re tracking it ⬇️

The historic national reckoning on race that was triggered by the killing of George Floyd has touched off a reexamination of corporate America from top to bottom.

So we created a Diversity Index to our @BW Best of B-Schools list. Here are the top-ranked

Some takeaways:

- Fewer than two dozen schools had enough Black and Hispanic students to equal their respective shares of the population

- For example, Hispanic students made up 9.4%, about half their share of the U.S. population

- Companies that lack Black directors have been the target of investors and activists, prompting a surge in board appointments

Here's how historically Black university Howard is fostering relationships between students and corporate America:

- Some business schools, like American University's Kogod, have worked to increase diversity.

The proportion of Black faculty at Kogod has more than doubled since 2014, and since 2015 the share of Black MBA students has increased 47%

And what about gender parity?
- Women had parity at only 5 of the 84 schools

- Notably, the percentage of women willing to consider an online degree vs. an in-person program rose from 15% in 2020 to 24% in 2021

“For many female candidates, Covid was a much harsher blow in terms of balancing personal and professional life."

Rahul Choudaha, director of industry insights and research communications at GMAC, told @BW

Explore the Diversity Index for yourself:

Catch the full conversation from @bbgequality:

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