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Sep 21, 2021, 18 tweets

“You’re going to have to face us when you leave your houses. …We’re waiting for you.”

Nevada: Trump supporter Mindy Robinson threatened the Clark County Board of Commissioners and blasted them for fighting against “vaccine disinformation.”

Mindy Robinson participated in January 6th.

Twitter suspended Mindy Robinson’s account (@iheartmindy) in January, but her Instagram with the same name is still up. You know what to do.

Mindy Johnson is a Confederate pride supporter who ran for US Congress but only got 13% of the vote. A loser supporting losers.

The antivaxxers disrupted the Clark County board meeting and were kicked out. They refused to wear masks and kept shouting “masks don’t work.”

Republican Lt. Governor candidate Mack Miller got into a shoving match with security after being asked to leave. Another antivaxxer shoved Miller into security too.

Security carried Miller out and crashed into a metal detector, knocking it and Miller over.

Republican candidate Mack Miller has Proud Boys on his campaign page and has actively campaigned with them.

“You better figure out what side you guys are on.”

Mack Miller got up and the antivaxxers continued jeering the police. These are the same kind of people who tweet “just comply” when they see police brutality videos.

“I told you about this boy.”

One of the antivaxxers complains about one of the Black security guards while repeatedly calling him “boy.”

Despite all their antics, the Clark County agenda item “declaring heath misinformation a public health crisis” passed 5-2.

Proud Boy friendly Republican candidate Mack Miller was convicted by a military court of deserting his “Army comrades during Iraq war.”…

Mack Milller, the Republican candidate who shoved security at the Clark County meeting, also set up a fake Democratic chamber website to endorse himself. He then sent out text messages with the fake endorsement.…

Some are decrying this as suppressing “freedom of speech.” The Clark County board has affirmed the freedoms of all these pro-covid activists for months including this meeting. Everyone who signed up to speak got to be heard.

It became a problem when they disrupted the meeting.

Video credit to John Carlo of Las Vegas, Nevada.

John wore this skull mask to the board meeting. He is actively protesting against covid mitigation and believe he is “the ghost patriot, a representative of the fallen patriots of 1776.”

John Carlo defends the Confederate flag and believes slaves were “treated better and could retire with their slave owners… they had their food, health care, home, all taken care of.”

John believes slave owners provided freedom, comparable to Jews rescued from WWII Nazi Germany.

Antivaxxer John “Ghost Patriot” Carlo wanted to be anonymous but went to a public board meeting and signed up with his legal name to give public comments and then posted about it.

Yes, this is John Carlo wearing a “Black Voices for Trump” hat.

Does antivaxxer John Carlo really believe he is ghost of fallen revolutionaries war soldiers?

If so, he’s probably not a ghost of one of the ones who died from smallpox.

Washington ordered the entire army to get inoculated.

Ask the 1776 small pox ghosts how they feel.

John Carlo has deleted his Twitter.

John tweeted he takes off work to go to these meetings.

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