Eden Gillespie Profile picture
Queensland reporter @guardianaus | Instagram: edengillespiejournalist | eden.gillespie@theguardian.com

Sep 22, 2021, 13 tweets

Police appear to be going hard and fast in their response today - questioning and arresting people on arrival.

Still a sizeable number of people marching through Melbourne's CBD shown in this live stream 👇

People are chanting "every day" in reference to a flyer issued by a Melbourne anti-lockdown group yesterday asking people to protest every day until their 'demands' are met.

People are marching right down the middle of the road, setting off flares and blocking traffic.

A few minutes ago, police were shooting tear gas at protesters in attempts to disperse them

People are now marching on the Shrine of Remembrance - a war memorial in Victoria.

Huge crowds on a day the state has recorded 628 local coronavirus cases and three deaths.

People are now singing the national anthem and chanting "f--- Dan Andrews."

Big confusion happening. Protesters thought the police were taking a knee. People came down from the memorial and got on their knees asking police: "join us".

It appears police were just readjusting their shields/gear.

Police have issued several warnings to protesters to leave the war memorial. Some are refusing to leave.

RSL Victoria has issued a statement condemning protesters who have congregated at The Shrine of Remembrance.

"They are completely disrespecting the sanctity of this time honoured place."

There is some tension between protesters at the moment. Some want to move on but others are refusing to leave.

This man, who sadly didn't provide his name or title, spoke briefly. He asked people to "respect the soldiers and the fallen" and get down from the Shrine.

Mounted police are here now. Some protesters have yelled "hold the line" and are standing on the war memorial building.

Other protesters are angrily jeering at police.

Police are moving in on the war memorial. They are again asking protesters to move on.

Some unmasked protesters are getting very close to police and yelling at them.

Extraordinary scenes on this livestream right now. Police are shooting something at protesters now. Unable to verify exact details.

They've moved protesters off from the Shrine and have largely dispersed the crowd.

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