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17 y/o — building a few Saas apps in public. sold (2023) & many others. 5x hackathon winner. Maker of the year 2021 @ProductHunt.

Sep 22, 2021, 13 tweets

20 Mind Blowing JavaScript Snippets 🤯

One line JavaScript snippets to boost up your productivity. 98.8% people don't know all of them!

A thread 🧵👇️

1️⃣ Get Value of a browser Cookie

We can retrieve the value of a stored cookie by accessing with document.cookie.

2️⃣ Convert RGB to Hex

Ever wondered how to convert a RGB color to hex in JavaScript. Worry no more!

3️⃣ Check if array is empty

This simple one liner to check if an array is empty, will return true or false as result.

4️⃣ Find the day of year

Snippet to help you find which is the day by a given date.

5️⃣ Find the number of days between two days

Find the days between 2 given days using the following snippet.

6️⃣ Clear All Browser Cookies

You can easily clear all cookies stored in a web page by accessing the cookie using document.cookie and clearing it.

7️⃣ Get Query Params from URL

You can easily retrieve query params from a url either by passing window.location or the raw URL.

8️⃣ Log Time from Date

We can log time, in the format hour::minutes::seconds from a given date

9️⃣ Check if a number is even or odd

% operator makes it super easy to check if a given number is odd or even.

🔟 Get User Selected Text

One line snippet to grab the text that is currently selected by a user.

See Part 1 for 10 more Fantastic JavaScript Snippets 🔥👇️

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