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Sep 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Simone Biles’ schedule last week began with enviable glamour.

Her week also took a somber turn.

Keeping all parts of her life in balance is infinitely more difficult than the routines she performed to win seven Olympic and 25 world championship medals.


Asked how she maintains her equilibrium, she smiled.

“I think it’s just really taking everything one day at a time, and that has helped me stay the most sane.”


Biles wouldn’t discuss her congressional testimony because she wants to move forward, but the trauma is never far from her mind.

For Biles, moving forward includes being the headliner of the impressive cast of the 35-city Gold Over America Tour.


The show was designed to be an ensemble of gymnastics and dance performances and a rekindling of the spirit.

Not being tied to USA Gymnastics allowed Biles to put her stamp on the show.


Feeling empowered is a key point.

Biles said there is a segment called “overwhelmed” in the show, highlighting “what some people may go through on a daily basis.”


Biles still has her ups and downs, “as anyone does,” she said, and she’s still working through her Tokyo experiences.

Read more from @helenenothelen at latimes.com/sports/olympic…

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