ストライド・ヴォラキア | Stride Vollachia (aka Ice) Profile picture
主にリゼロ垢 ⊙ ネタバレ注意!日本語/English/Español/Italiano Re: Zero trivia & news. There will be spoilers. Discord: https://t.co/pQUxy0Iz9A

Sep 23, 2021, 16 tweets

Mushoku Tensei Volume 8 Censored versus Uncensored Comparison Thread! Volume 9 to come soon. Please mute the MT hashtags if you don't wish to see this.

Left: Censored
Right: Uncensored

This time there was a ton of changes, so I can't post them all.

#無職転生 #MushokuTensei

That's the last one I will post for Volume 8. There were tons more than this. Absolutely poor showing from Seven Seas that so much had to be revised.
#無職転生 #MushokuTensei

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