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Our mission is to improve the communities of Ohio through smart growth strategies and research.

Sep 23, 2021, 16 tweets

Last month, @JobsOhio announced the recipients selected for the first round of the Vibrant Community Grant Program – a new program launched by JobsOhio to provide economic development assistance to Ohio’s distressed communities #GOPCThread

The Vibrant Community Program was established to assist distressed small and medium sized communities in executing a catalytic economic development project – with favored projects including real estate development and operated shared spaces #GOPCThread

96 Ohio cities are eligible, as these cities have populations between 5-75K and poverty rates at or above the state’s average. Applicants for the Vibrant Community Program are business, nonprofits, developers, port authorities, or local governments #GOPCThread

The first round of grants – around $4M – was awarded to the cities of Van Wert, Sandusky, Coshocton, and Painesville. Grantees were selected based on the project’s ability to serve as a catalyst for economic development and attract public & private investments #GOPCThread

In Van Wert, community leaders have established a multi-phase plan for revitalization & redevelopment in downtown. With the assistance of this grant, the first phase will begin & assist with the redevelopment of 12 buildings to total 63,000 sq ft of mixed-use space #GOPCThread

This mixed-use space will be in the heart of the historic district in downtown Van Wert. In total, the city has identified 48 buildings for redevelopment – & a total of $75M in downtown investment. This first step will be the catalyst for further redevelopment (@vwfwd @VWCF1925)

In Coshocton, grant dollars will assist in the renovation of a 3-story, vacant building in downtown. This redevelopment will establish an incubator/makerspace in the heart of downtown, with a focus on business growth and expansion #GOPCThread

Once complete, the @CoshoctonPort will be centrally located in the renovated facility downtown, and work with private-sector businesses interested in the space #GOPCThread

The @cityofsandusky grant will assist in the construction of a new 30K sq ft mixed-used building in downtown – with opportunities for retail, residential, and office space. Prior to this grant, private investment of around $3M has been invested in the site #GOPCThread

The construction in downtown Sandusky aligns with the city’s Master Plan, which has broad community support. Additional public investment is anticipated to complete this project #GOPCThread

Painesville’s grant will assist in the renovation of a 191K sq ft mixed-use building in downtown – and will include office, residential, and 52K sq ft of space dedicated for a focus on job creation space. This project aligns with the city’s Strategic Plan #GOPCThread

Burgess & Niple, a nationally-known engineering and architecture firm, will be the anchor tenant once completed #GOPCThread

In addition to these four transformative projects announced last month, @JobsOhio has also awarded a $1.5M Vibrant Community Grant to the City of Oxford in collab with @MiamiUniversity for the development of the College@Elm Innovation & Workforce Development Center #GOPCThread

In total, more than 40 applications were submitted for the first round of the Vibrant Community Program. @JobsOhio plans to accept applications on a rolling basis, and communities interested in applying should contact their JobsOhio regional partner #GOPCThread

Additional information on the Vibrant Community Program can be found on @JobsOhio’s website. GOPC looks forward to the continued investments in Ohio’s communities! #GOPCThread…

Additional information on the Vibrant Community Program can be found on JobsOhio’s website. GOPC looks forward to the continued investments in Ohio’s communities! #GOPCThread…

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