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The Royal Society is a Fellowship of the world's most eminent scientists and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.

Sep 23, 2021, 10 tweets

Parent Carer Scientist celebrates the diversity of work-life patterns of scientists across the UK, showcasing different approaches to maintaining successful careers alongside responsibilities as parents and carers. Read their stories: #AndAScientist…

Professor Adele Marston and Professor Paul Palmer believe that cultural shifts, including the introduction of shared parental leave, have changed things for the better. From juggling shifts to finding roles, here’s their family journey: #AndAScientist…

Dr Al Lambourne has been proactive in carving out time for family, planning work around time off using the government’s ‘unpaid parental leave’ scheme. Here’s his parenting story: #AndAScientist…

In adapting to working whilst parenting, Professor Anita Thapar credits her mentors and colleagues who understood the demands of family. #AndAScientist…

With her early experiences of splitting childcare with her husband, Dame Athene Donald FRS strongly encourages couples to take a shared approach. Read her case study: #AndAScientist…

Navigating crises is something Professor Ben Sheldon has had to cope with both at work and at home. Read his case study: #AndAScientist…

From meeting the challenges of parenting whilst completing a PhD to thriving as a researcher, Dr Chimene Laure Daleu says honesty is key to a supportive environment. #AndAScientist…

In his case study, Dr Luke Boulter describes how having children forced him to strike more of a balance between work and home life – now quality time with the family is something he makes sure to protect. #AndAScientist…

Working through success at work and sadness at home, Dame Ottoline Leyser FRS found her job and the support of her colleagues a stabilising influence. Read more of her case study here: #AndAScientist…

Working smarter, taking advantage of flexibility when it’s offered, and knowing which opportunities to take are all part of Professor Saiful Islam’s parenting journey. See his story and all of our case studies on our website: #AndAScientist…

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