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Sep 23, 2021, 15 tweets

[Thread] The "interim president" and the corporations

Self-proclaimed @jguaido, this worthless US puppet, has found himself in some hot water over the handling of Venezuelan assets that fell in his lap. We'll have a detailed report soon, but in the meantime here's the gist of it

This week, a document from a Delaware court said that the Guaidó "administration" had reached an agreement to pay oil giant ConocoPhillips $1.3 billion. The fact that this was not disclosed nor approved by his (make-believe, expired) parliament drew criticism on social media

The background is that ConocoPhillips was awarded $2B by an intl arbitration court, the Vzlan govt reached a settlement but couldn't deliver because of sanctions, so CP moved to seize Citgo shares (US-based oil subsidiary). And it's not the only one after Citgo (more below)

The natural Q is "how did Guaidó intend to pay this $1.3B"? One obvious guess is... Citgo shares. But worry not! It was all a misunderstanding. The self-proclaimed one and his team of top minds put out a statement saying this whole thing in the document is there "by mistake"

Let's play a game of "which is worse?"
- Guaidó & co. pledged to pay $1.3B, then lied about it
- Guaidó & co (whose lawyers had this info weeks before publication) failed to see a $1.3B pledge they didn't make
Credit to @frrodriguezc for his explanations and asking the right Qs

Let those who never unknowingly pledged to pay $1.3 billion dollars cast the first stone. Anyway, this court document has to do with Crystallex's similar bid to get its greedy corporate hands on Citgo shares. The mining giant also won a $1.4 billion intl arbitration award

Crystallex sent a letter to the US Treasury asking to seize Vzlan assets. US authorities denied the request yet pledged to revisit the stance in 2022. They say that's when Guaidó's Natl Assembly's term "expires". It really expired in Jan 2021 but US puppets just make up new rules

The ban on dealings w/ the defaulted PDVSA 2020 bond (it has Citgo as collateral) also expires in Jan 2022, so could the clock be ticking on Citgo? Between the pro-corporate "justice" handed by intl arbitration courts and the opposition's buffoonish antics, it doesn't look good

However, this is not all. The Guaidó camp recently and "quietly" dropped its opposition to the enforcement of yet another international arbitration award, this time $1.2 billion to fellow Canadian corporation Rusoro Mining. Another one lining up to seize Citgo?

To this we should add the recent scandal involving Monómeros (Vzlan agrochemical company in Colombia) which was seized by the Colombian government and Guaidó "thanked" them for it. After all, Duque outranks him in the puppet hierarchy

Whatever the case may be, opposition knives are out. The leadership of the (expired) opp-controlled Natl Assembly penned a letter to Colombia opposing the Monómeros move. But Guaidó and another idiot refused to sign. What was that bit about unity?

For the past 2 and a half years, the spectacular failure of the coup attempt has forced the US into the unusual position of opposing corporate efforts to seize Vzlan assets. Simply put, these offer the Guaidó band credibility and a huge piggy bank. But is that about to change?

Even Washington has put an expiration date on this circus known as the "interim govt." Reading the tea leaves, it's not far fetched to expect an effort from corporations, coordinating w/ the US, to plunder these assets as soon as possible so they don't return to the Vzlan state

As for Guaidó, because of this really indescribable decision to consider an Olympic-level moron as Venezuela's "legitimate leader," he's the one who can sign off on all these dealings. Shall we take bets on him ending up as a board member at ConocoPhillips or Crystallex?

We'll be bringing a detailed report on all of this very soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, follow us on social media (@venanalysis everywhere) and, if you can, support our work

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