Jackie Dallas Profile picture
I say things on TV... maybe you've seen me and don't remember? It's cool, that happens a lot. ✨ #IATSESolidarity #IASolidarity

Sep 23, 2021, 8 tweets

For those of you who aren't in the filming industry, there's a massive strike about to go down. @IATSE is the union that makes up thousands of crew members who work behind the scenes to make all of your favorite TV shows & films. Let me share why this is important. #IASolidarity

They are fighting for safe working conditions, reasonable work hours and fair pay.

"...but you guys get paid for it, right? They have to pay you extra if you don't get what you want?" When you're hungry, tired and sleep deprived for weeks on end, there comes a point when the compensation isn't worth it.

And as any freelance knows... Work can be feast or famine. There can be weeks or even months between gigs which makes it hard to say no to opportunities that come your way, even if you know it's going to be hard.

Many studio execs and producers have never worked on a set before. They don't understand what it's like to bleed, sweat and cry for a project. Many only understand the bottom dollar.

Crew members are film makers who are given the opportunity to pursue their dreams... But why does that mean they have to suffer?

It's about more than just getting upset because your favorite shows won't get made... You should be upset because the people making them are being abused and taken for granted.

Productions become like family. After working together for so long under demanding conditions, it's hard not to develop a sense of camaraderie.

Even with those I've not yet worked with.

I stand with @IATSE.


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