Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Medicine / Infectious Disease / Epidemiology / @KFF @CBSNews @NYUGrossman @BellevueHosp doc / Threads @drcelinegounder / BSky @drcelinegounder

Sep 23, 2021, 12 tweets

1/ Q&A with @NewYorker's Helen Rosner @hels
about what COVID booster shots can and can't do
- who might benefit from a 3rd shot
- how to prevent breakthrough infections

3/ How do vaccines work?

4/ Most vaccines don't provide "sterilizing immunity," blocking all infections. This isn't a failure of vaccines. The goal is to prevent severe illness and death.

5/ Who needs boosters & why?

6/ So why not boost everyone?

7/ Why did the White House get out ahead of the @US_FDA & @CDCgov in announcing booster doses?

8/ What's the downside of booster doses to an individual?

9/ Vaccine effectiveness is your % risk reduction from vaxx as compared to an unvaxx'ed person in your community.

Your risk is still proportional to levels of transmission in your community.

The best way to reduce viral transmission in your community? Vaxx the unvaxx'ed.

10/ It is in our self-interest to vaccinate the rest of the world.

11/ What about mixing and matching COVID vaccines?

12/ Research takes time.

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