Neil Tester Profile picture
Chair @HWHertfordshire. Former Director @RichmondGroupOC and Deputy Director @HealthwatchE. Own views. RTs = interest only. 🏳️‍🌈

Sep 24, 2021, 7 tweets

These reports on NHS leaders’ perceptions from @NHSConfed are always enlightening. Today’s Manifesto For Recovery takes a wide look at recovery issues, with a strong inequalities focus. A quick thread on the bits that jumped out at me. 1/7…

2/7 Obviously I’m reading everything @NHSConfed’s published today from the standpoint of the multiple conditions challenge. The framing here speaks to the issues @RichmondGroup14’s recent #YouOnlyHadToAsk report highlighted.…

3/7 Our #YouOnlyHadToAsk report stressed need to close the trust gap between people and services and to work across sectors to tackle inequity, so good to see @NHSConfed saying this:

4/7 Stark picture in today’s @NHSConfed report of the huge risk that the care backlog and existing inequity will reinforce and accelerate each other.

5/7 Good to see this case study from @WYHpartnership of how to turn “frank conversations” about “managing expectations” into genuine interaction that delivers shared understanding and positive improvement.

6/7 That case study highlights how people value VCS support, so good to see @NHSConfed reporting leaders wanting a relationship of equal partners, as I argued in this blog a while back:…. Lots of themes I flagged then are picked up in today’s report.

7/7 Strong sense from today’s @NHSConfed report that leaders are hearing, and concerned about, what @RichmondGroup14 @BritainThinks research has highlighted:…

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