molson 🧠⚙️ Profile picture
guy who is trying to go super saiyan

Sep 24, 2021, 9 tweets

The most interesting graphs from the IATA's monthly air cargo report.


Looks like Europe's demand for air shipping was way lower than the United States', consistent with our money printing, imho.


CTKs = Cargo Tonne Kilometers for air shipping

This is the better report from the IATA:…


When business confidence > consumer confidence

inventory > demand

but in this situation...will inventory > demand if there is no supply chain to supply it?

When the inventory finally arrives situation could get hairy.



Most interesting graph of the bunch. I'd love to see this for CBMs instead of kg's.


This one will teach you about the air cargo market.

When there are no passenger planes (because of covid) capacity gets tight because the obttom of every passenger plane is full of cargo.


That's it. I'm not an air cargo expert. I know a lot more about sea shipping because we hardly ever use air shipping (it's too expensive for our bulky lighty products).

If you'd like to see more of this, please write "fuck you" in the replies.


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