Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston's translucent form Profile picture
This place is propaganda and disinfo. Here to repost old information. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Sep 24, 2021, 15 tweets

What is the average salary of an infectious disease doctor in Canada?

Might be of interest for people to search that out.

let me assist with that search

Consider, who largely employs such, if not in academia?

Consider, what would be the inducements, express or implied, if one occupied such a position?

Consider, right now people will go to work sick, not have time for vaccination, or skip COVID tests and quarantining, just to keep their jobs.

Is this rationale more or less applicable to people with higher salaries?

Is the rationale stronger or weaker if the action was not related to sickness but to research?

Is the rationale stronger or weaker if you are member of a community of likeminded individuals and are you incentivized to break ranks with these people or not?

from above

from "Learning from SARS", report by Health Canada.…

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