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Sep 25, 2021, 22 tweets

THREAD: I've read the Andrew Neil Daily Mail interview so you don't have to. The headline is all very funny but leads you to believe he just had a big tantrum coz #GBeebies was pure shite. I've read on to show you there's more to it than that.

So we open with this, showing that Neil is "unflappable", has been targeted by the IRA, jihadis...he's not easily broken, that's what we're getting here. But #GBeebies has him in LITERAL TEARS and that's just in an interview. He nearly had a breakdown!

It sounds TERRIBLE, the journalist is HUGGING HIM as he says he couldn't go on! The tech nightmare and how everyone was LAUGHING AT HIM online left him "in despair".

But...that can't be why he nearly had a drama and Twitter memes...more to it than that surely?

Right, so he's crying SO MUCH that the journalist had to GIVE HIM A HUG but we obviously haven't got to the nitty-gritty of why yet, we're just still talking about the shite tech we all had a laugh at for about a week at the beginning before the channel basically disappeared.

OK, tech failed so he had no guests and had to just interview who was around...still nothing about the REAL DRAMA where he hit rock bottom because of the stuff that was harder than the IRA wanting to get you.

Oh wait, he had to interview Harwood jk jk.

So far it's still just....the tech was bollocks and people on the internet were laughing about it. He's CRYING at the memory of THIS. No offence m8 but I've filled 2 hours on Twitch improvving as Princess Diana and I'm no Andrew Neil.

OK, now I'm crying, I didn't realise the brave man who is devastatingly sad because of crap tech and a really funny Marina Hyde takedown walked away from FOUR MILLION POUNDS! I wish a Daily Mail journalist was around to give ME a hug.

And now a load of stuff about his hot Swedish brilliant wife and...a weekend in Jersey...before bravely returning for four more days. The...the headline doesn't appear to be clickbait.

Ah I HAVE been unfair after all because I too would break down and cry months after I'd had to sit in a studio that was SO BLACK I had to TAKE OFF MY JACKET AND JUST WEAR A WHITE SHIRT. Just thinking about doing that has made me cry and puke and I'm covered in tears and sick now.

This bit has major 16-year-old Girl Who Took Over Choreographing The Dance Routine At The End Of The School's Production Of Grease Because The Drama Teacher Just Didn't Have A Clue energy.

Er, wow, Andrew, this all sounds a bit....woke?

Don't worry btw, he won't see any of this because he blocked me when he dragged Diane Abbott for using the term "Global South" when he, who at that point had the biggest job in political broadcasting, didn't know what it meant and I said "you should know what Global South means".

Yeah, when I think of CIA extractions I think of quaffing champers at 40,000 feet and I have a little chuckle before sinking back in to my pit of despair.

I remember when he left and people were saying "it's all part of the plan, #GBeebies is dangerous". Lolololol.

I have officially given up on discovering anything more upsetting than: the channel was a big pile of crap and I was on it. He feels disrespected. That's literally it.

Hahahahaha "you've already got D@n W00t0n" has really cracked me up, it's so shady, ANDREW! You catty boy!

Who did he think they were gonna bring in...David Frost!?

OK this THIS THIS THIS is the juice I'm here for. They wanted to put cameras in classrooms and film little kids being woke and even Mr Woke Watch himself, ar Andy, said "dafuq?"

This is soon going to garner a reply from a #GBeebies stan who will chastise me for laughing at Neil's tears, suggesting I should care about mental health.

He's been saying this a lot recently, that he was the lone voice making sure it wouldn't become Fox News, that he ONLY signed up if they PROMISED it didn't become Fox News.

m8, you succeeded, it WISHES it was Fox News.

OH PHEW was worried there that he wouldn't recover from having presented on a very bad news channel for two whole weeks but LUCKILY he's going on a dream holiday PHEW

We conclude with him saying he wishes he'd PUBLICLY condemned the launch date because now everyone would be saying "u were rite andrew" but instead they're laughing. Genuinely. That's how the interview ends.

The comments section is an absolute joy.

Btw sorry if you're here from the Cars of the 90s Thread I did last week and are like "wtf is this, where's the stuff about how the third generation Astra really honoured the design of the second generation Astra?"

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