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Sep 25, 2021, 14 tweets


Rumus 25 kemampuan dasar tata bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai untuk meningkatkan skor TOEFL berdasarkan buku Longman Introductory Course

[a thread]

1. Subjects and verbs
2. Objects of prepositions

3. Present participles
4. Past participles

5. Coordinate connectors
6. Adverb clause connectors

7. Noun clause connectors
8. Noun clause connector/subjects

9. Adjective clause connectors
10. Adjective clause connector/subjects

11. Agreement after prepositional phrases
12. Agreement after expressions of quantity
13. Agreement after certain words

14. Parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions
15. Parallel structure with paired conjunctions

16. Past participles after have
17. Present participles or past participles after be
18. Base form verbs after modals

19. Singular and plural nouns
20. Countable and uncountable nouns

21. Subject and object pronouns
22. Possessives
23. Pronoun reference

24. Adjectives and adverbs
25. Adjectives after linking verbs

Sekian thread ini, semoga bermanfaat 😊🙏 Download buku Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL TEST beserta audio, script, dan kunci jawaban serta cek tips lainnya di thread ini ⬇️

Oh iya sekalian, mungkin ada yang mau ikut kelas yang membahas soal-soal mengenai 25 skills tersebut ⬇️

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