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I support women's rights and Scottish Independence. I don't like the SNP Pro-nouns : No/Chance

Sep 25, 2021, 15 tweets

A lot of people are complaining about the erasure of the word "woman".

It's not true, of course you are still allowed to use the word "woman," you just have to be aware of specific rules as to when.

Here's a handy guide which tells you when you can and can't use it -


Eddie Izzard?

= Woman

Just been invited for a smear test?

= Cervix haver.

Stonewall advisory group member, Alex Drummond?

= Woman

Just given birth?

= Birthing parent

Menstruation fetishist, Jessica Yaniv?

= Woman

Diagnosed with ovarian cancer?

= Person with ovaries

Olympic weightlifting competitor, Laurel Hubbard?

= Woman

Murderer who got put in a female prison?

= Woman

Feeding your newborn baby?

= Chest Feeder.

Nappy fetishist, Eilidh?

= Woman

Having fun with your best friends?

= Bodies with vaginas

Wondering what tampons to buy?

= Menstruator

Hope that clarifies everything. Failure to adhere to these rules in social settings, media and social media will result in accusations of bigotry and prosecution for hate crimes.

You're welcome.

This thread has gained me a lot of international followers. If you're angry about what's happening and want to help us stop the legal erosion of the word "woman" in Scotland, follow @ForWomenScot, use the #WomenWontWeesht hashtag and donate here: paypal.com/donate/?hosted…

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