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Dissecting beatmaking, DJing, music production, rapping, and sampling. Tune in here for a new music thread every day. Curated/written by @ginosorcinelli.

Sep 25, 2021, 15 tweets

1) Pretty Tony Production Thread

2) "Don't Stop The Rock" by Freestyle (1985)

Co-Produced by Pretty Tony and Sherman Nealy

3) "When I Hear Music" by Debbie Deb (1983)

4) "U Turn Me On" by Game (1991)

5) "Lookout Weekend" by Debbie Deb (1984)

6) "Jam The Box" by Pretty Tony (1984)

7) "It's Automatic" by Freestyle (1986)

8) "They're Playing Our Song" by Trinere (1986)

9) "The Party Has Begun" by Freestyle (1984)

10) "Young Ladies" by Fast Lane (1984)

11) "Fix It In The Mix" by Pretty Tony (1983)

12) "I Want You Back" by Paulette (1984)

13) "Computer Language" by Pretty Tony (1984)

14) "How Can We Be Wrong" by Trinere (1985)

15) "It Must Be Nice" by 911 (1986)

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