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We are a joint campaign of the Working Families Party, the Movement for Black Lives Electoral Justice Project, United We Dream, and Rising Majority.

Sep 25, 2021, 16 tweets

THREAD. It's #NationalComicBookDay and over here @WeJoinFrontline we thought it was the PERFECT time to lift up some very special Everyday Heroes who work on the frontlines of liberation, justice, and love.

Greisa Martinez as The Wasp

Superpowers: Tenacity to demand justice for fellow undocumented folks, can alter the size & scope of her powers to defend immigrants everywhere.

Enemy: Xenophobia & Nationalism

Follow @GreisaMartinez

Angel Carter as SuperGirl

Superpowers: Possesses inherent empathy with a fierce fearless, bright and bubbly wit -- capable of disarming foes with spellbinding stories

Enemy: Apathy & F*ck bois

Follow @AngelCarterActs

Tiffany Flowers as Wonder Woman

Superpowers: Mobilizer & unifier with a heart full of compassionate snark. Makes magic with music.

Enemy: Injustice & Exploitation

Follow @msflowers & Visit

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Vilissa Thompson as Nakia
Superpowers: Promotes self-advocacy while strengthening & empowering disabled BIPOC to be fully accepted and included.

Enemy: Ableism, Inaccessibility

Follow @VilissaThompson
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Mariah Moore as Emma Frost

Superpowers: Conjures diamond-hard protection & resources for vulnerable ppl, reverses destructive effects of bias, pandemics, & natural disasters

Enemy: The word “can’t”

Follow @houseoftulipno

Jessica Byrd as Misty Knight

Superpowers: Heroic movement builder with pin-point aim on winning strategies

Enemy: Fake political power & over policing

Follow @JessicaLBYRD & Visit

Tracey Corder as Dora Milaje

Superpowers: Translating complex political concepts to meet people where they are. Bird dogging with finesse and accuracy. Campaigner extraordinaire

Enemy: Racial Bias & Discrimination

Follow @traceyecorder

Lady Dane Figueroa Edidi as Scarlet Witch

Superpowers: Tears down barriers that exclude Black Trans folks from religious space. Creates safe space for Trans folks to be held

Enemy: White supremacist theologies

Follow @theladydane

Aurielle Marie as Raven

Superpowers: Wields words as both sword & shield using the mystical ability of chaos magic in Black resistance as a cultural strategist

Enemy: White supremacy & Misogynoir

Follow @yesaurielle
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Hakima Tafunzi Payne as Bat Woman

Superpowers: Innovation, Resilient, razor-sharp focused, and mission-oriented defender of perinatal health

Enemy: Parental & infant health inequities


Nina Smith as Boondocks’ Bushido Brown Protege

Superpowers: Power of the communication arts to strategically balance tasks - delivering solutions that help make a difference and change the world

Enemy: Negligence & Bad Strategy

Follow @ninasophia81

Tarika Powell as Jubilee

Superpowers: Trainer and consultant fighting for climate justice against energy hoarders and polluters

Enemy: Toxicity & PTSD


Lawanna Kimbro as Starfire

Superpowers: Strength, stamina, & endurance to craft strategies that deconstruct the root causes of ruination - improving the overall health of everything around her

Enemy: Destruction, Inequality

Follow: @LawannaKimbro

Nsé Ufot as Valkyrie

Superpowers: Political Stamina, Speed & Agility
Mobilizing first-time voters by educating them on the issues and the process.

Enemy: Voter Suppression

Follow @nseufot & Visit

Leslie Mac as Ms. Marvel

Superpowers: The power to transform herself into multifaceted forms of energy to uplift and amplify the voices and the plight of those most affected by racial injustice

Enemy: White supremacy

Follow @LeslieMac

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