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Sep 25, 2021, 5 tweets

157 artefacts and antiquities were handed over by US during Prime Minister Modi’s visit. PM conveyed his deep appreciation for repatriation of antiquities to India by the United States.

PM Modi and President Biden committed to strengthen their efforts to combat the theft, illicit trade and trafficking of cultural objects.

The list of 157 artefacts includes a diverse set of items ranging from the one and a half metre bas relief panel of Revanta in sandstone of the 10th CE to the 8.5cm tall, exquisite bronze Nataraja from the 12th CE.

While half of the artifacts (71) are cultural, the other half consists of figurines which relate to Hinduism (60), Buddhism (16) and Jainism (9). Their make spreads across metal, stone and terracotta.

At least one of the artefacts is estimated to be 5,000 to 7,000 year old.

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