Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 Profile picture
Ukrainian-American Journalist. I stay back to document and observe. Presenting the world's raw and unfiltered reality. Desk@freedomnews.tv to license footage

Sep 25, 2021, 10 tweets

Dozens of Anti-mandate activists have entered a vaccinated only food court in Staten Island chanting "USA USA"

They were not asked to show vaccine cards, despite a sign at the entry stating its required. Food court is letting everyone eat regardless of their vaccination status


Group plead allegiance to the flag, as they attend a vaccinated only restaurant, without showing vaccine cards in a protest to mandates.

Full video

"Vaccinated or unvaccinated we are all one people, we shouldn't be carrying papers or showing papers because we live in America" said one of the Anti-mandate protesters at Staten Island food court today.

"They are psychologically screwing kids heads they just don't know it yet" said another protester about kids wearing masks, "whatever happened to My Body My Choice?"

Another video to combat misreporting and add additional context.

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