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Sep 25, 2021, 17 tweets

“If you ain’t out on a iPhone 13 Pro nature walk, then where you aaaat?”

I think by now many know the new iPhone has macro and closeup capabilities. They are really cool. But just how cool? I’ll show you some first shots but the real cool is the march of innovation. 1/

2/ When portrait mode came out wrote this on how the phone is a revolution in tools and tools are what come to define the changes in the world we live in. Cinematic mode shows how much this has evolved. ♻️ “Nikon versus Canon: A Story Of Technology Change”

3/ Some shots with the new macro mode.

4/ And some more…

5/ And some more still…

6/ OK, this was a long walk.

7/ Still walking…

8/ So why is this so cool? You might have seen the meme “everything in this 1991 radio shack is now built into an iPhone”.

9/ And if you add the watch then think of how many more things are now in one integrated experience. Photography is just one part of that ad, but digging into it one can see the incredible depth of innovation in one category. Macro, portrait, pano, slo-mo, time lapse, …

10/ This is the premier Nikon film camera from 1971. I marked up all the elements of this image that are part of the iPhone now. Not only would you need a truck to carry this around, but you’d need about $500,000 (3M today).

11/ While pros have lots of needs not met yet by the iPhone, for sure the only one not even possible in the best of talented hands are (in teal) ultra wide angle (“fish eye”) and long range telephoto (100-2000mm). The latter have some physics issues :-)

12/ And that’s not even including the fact that you don’t need a dark room. And it is all right there in your pocket.

This kind of chart tells the story—so many fewer cameras sold while so many more photos and photographers. Now they have almost all the gear!

13/ Cinematic mode deserves a whole other thread and a different kind of nature walk :-) // END

PS/ And 3X is great for my favorite!

PPS/ A doctor just mumbled to me, this is going to be a big breakthrough for dermatologists and telemedicine (and file upload to MyChart). Yikes.

14/ While consistent w/overall approaches when possible, fact that iPhone close-up/macro mode has no UX is super cool. It is incredibly difficult to resist the temptation to have the feature be “modal” or “controllable”. Move close enough and with no futzing you’re in macro mode.

/ From when portrait mode was released a view of how tools are the start of a revolution. Bringing all these photo capabilities that used to take a trunk of gear to the iPhone is itself a revolution. ♻️…

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