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Sep 26, 2021, 20 tweets

Fallen Angels (1995) by Wong Kar-Wai: Style Analysis Thread (spoilers)

Cinematography: Christopher Doyle
Costume design: William Chang

Wong Kar-Wai is known for his colour obsession and is often interpreted as symbolic way to convey emotions. Throughout this movie we can see subtle messages through actions rather than dialogue.

Being so focused on imagery we have gotten some strong character style, especially of Partner played by Michelle Reis. The film focuses mainly red and green lights throughout the movie. From the first scene the focus is on Partner.

She will be seen throughout the movie with her bangs covering her eyes, a bold red lip, a chain handled purse and an outfit which makes her character dominating, alluring, and mysterious.

It is important to understand colours and their symbolic meaning to help analyse. Green is symbolically represents perseverance, renewal, and envy, whereas red represents rage, desire, passion, lust, and love.

In the 2nd scene we can see her wear a black leather dress, fishnets, black gloves, and a choker. The greens and reds are seen through her surroundings which elevates her sensuality and dominance. Even though there were no dialogues it set a connection between her and the killer

Later we can see her masturbating in his bed through a low wide angle which adds onto the feeling of loneliness. The fishnets catches ones eye and the reds are dominant colour in the bottom frame (lust).

This is the first time we see her without makeup or her usual getup yet she stands out as she is wearing prints and has a cigarette (always) with the background being solid. It's almost as if she has a different persona.

There isn't much to this scene but it is important to the plot. She is wearing full sleeves to meet the killer, which denotes her emotional state,she rarely wore full sleeves, always to denote her mental state or a state where her guard is down. Greens are dominant showing envy.

Towards the second half the greens start to take over, the background is plain and her blue floral dress immediately catches attention. We see her listen to 1818 where the red and yellow are dominant and she isn't really visible with the focus being solely on her face.

Heartbroken, you can see the yellow light take over the greens and reds of the same background as before. (I love how they have used this polyester/plasticish top over her dress and a chain necklace) her face is also visible showing her vulnerability.

She finds out about the killers affair with the 'blondie'. The red takes over the background portraying rage whereas the green light shows her envy. She is wearing a blue satin slip dress with her usual look which establishes her guard and also sets her apart from the blondie.

It's really important to note how the character is portrayed. She will be Stoic and act calm but her hands will be shivering will smoking giving away her emotional state. (After her and killers fallout and their meet)

She wears this red dress when she asks for a last favour and then makes a call to set up. The very next frame we see the killer die.

The last scene we see her in a restaurant in a vulnerable but a different state, a renewal in her mindset maybe? The only scene shot during daytime, yet the greens and very obvious. Then in the background we see a fight break out +

And He Zhiwu is sitting behind her with a bloody face introducing the reds back into the frame. You can see a chemistry build between the characters and it is confirmed when she (the partner) unclips her bangs.

The last scene we see them on a bike ride with greens dominating the frame, a renewal of their relation perhaps? For me this was the perfect ending, I don't prefer alternate ending as the original is quite open and leaves us with the continued atmosphere of the movie.

(the alternate ending)

Hope you guys liked this thread, it's very different from what I usually do but it was fun interpreting. Please a reminder this is my interpretation and in no way it's the right one so I most probably will be wrong in some cases.

Just found out that I wasn't able to post the last few parts as it did not support that gif? Idk, it was a frustrating ride. Hope you guys liked it :)

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