Siba El Hussein, MD Profile picture
Hematopathology | Google scholar | PubMed | @uvmvermont @UVMMedCenter

Sep 26, 2021, 6 tweets

(1/6) Future #dermpath star, @DermpatGal, & I have put together an illustration of hematologic findings in "Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia & Systemic Symptoms" (DRESS) @AjHematology ➡️

#hemepath #pathtwitter @Pathology_URMC 🔬

#Tweetorial ⬇️

(2/6) Drug metabolites (commonly of anti-anticonvulsant medication) are thought to stimulate T-cells leading to a florid immune response/ or cause viral activation (HHV6) leading to downstream immune activation

(Pathogenesis of DRESS➡️ @MDPIOpenAccess )

(3/6) In the setting of DRESS, peripheral blood smears show prominent eosinophilia with many degranulated forms

(4/6) Atypical lymphocytosis characterized by large lymphocytes, deeply basophilic cytoplasm, irregular nuclear contours, clumped chromatin and
conspicuous nucleoli

(5/6) and increased monocytes demonstrating immature features (hypolobated nuclei and prominent nucleoli)

(6/6) Key teaching point: Awareness of these peripheral blood findings: Morphologically atypical eosinophilia, lymphocytosis and monocytosis due to florid immune activation in the setting of DRESS, is key not confuse it for an underlying hematologic neoplastic process #hemepath

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