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eX-usr Not going to Mars Lurker

Sep 26, 2021, 12 tweets

Amanda Chase and her PSD-Sec team that ends up at the battle for the tunnel at the Hill on Jan6 needs a thread. Starts here, will take a few days.

Early on Jan6 they escort AC to the Ellipse, where she will hang around with her fans for a while. Doing the selfie thing.

Almost forgot, most ppl knows this, but some might not.
On Jan5 she had a cosy time with some of her friends.
Oath Keepers, Vets4Trump and Latinos4Trump.

Here is another pic of the team heading for the Ellipse
We get into details later on, where we will show there normal day at work for Amanda.

At the Ellipse, hanging out with her type of fans.
The dude on the right in the second pic, we might come back to him.

On the left here is #orangescubasteve, one from her team that we later on will find very close to the action at the tunnel.

They left for the Freedom Rally close to the Hill. Plenty other interesting ones there from many orgs, like #vets4treason, Oath Keepers, etc.
AC went on stage, livestreamed by #chasefilmer and/or #chaseflag

But we assume it was #chasefilmer that made the livestream since he filmes more the any other of them.

Soon we add there actions at the Hill.
We wonder if this is standard "after work" for her PSD-team or if they had anything special in mind.
I suggest FBI have a cup of Tea with @AmandaChaseVA, she might know.
Here is a teaser.

There is plenty on #orangescubasteve on twitter.
No need to add a lot about him here.
But what is he doing up there? With a radio w in earpiece, bearspray etc.

Just found thanks to sharp eyes on @AShoutOutfromMN
#orangescubasteve is armed with a serious blade on Jan6. Prob this one.

Here is 4 of em at work with AC up at the Ellipse.
They had an interesting day...
And an url to the Video that she deleted.


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