The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Sep 26, 2021, 6 tweets

.@DevinNunes tells @MariaBartiromo they have sent another letter to you Joe Biden about the covid origins probe. They finally got brief but they’re using the intelligence Agency to put a cloud of secrecy around all of this.

.@DevinNunes says On a late Friday night behind the scenes the HUAWEI executive was traded for two Canadians (picked up by China for no reason) after the DOJ negotiated a deal with China.

.@DevinNunes tells @MariaBartiromo this $5.5 trillion bill makes the Obama care Bill look like nothing. On top of all of that why would they want to double the size of the IRS and double the agents unless they have a plan To force every bank to produce every transaction.

.@DevinNunes tells @MariaBartiromo at least half of the American people have lost trust in the DOJ and FBI so this is a critical indictment from John Durham.

.@DevinNunes tells @MariaBartiromo accuse your opponent of what you’re doing is typical Marxist tactic and it’s taken over our government. His concerned is everyone from Obamas team joined Hillary and knew about all this was nonsense and now they’re in high positions of power.

.@DevinNunes tells @MariaBartiromo he’s made 14 criminal referrals and he expects John Durham to look into every one of them. He doesn’t have guns and handcuffs go out and arrest these people. All he can do is investigate it and turn it over to the DOJ and he’s done that.

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