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Sep 26, 2021, 11 tweets

I forgot to do this so... I guess it's delayed art ranking time!
I focused on standard art because I feel that is underappreciated over special treatments, but the top 1 is a special art... you can probably guess which. Let's GOOOO! #MTGMidnight

10- Gisa, Glorious Resurrector by Yongjae Choi

I don't really have much to say about this art or any specific details... I just really like how much joy it expresses even in the small space of a magic card!

9- Primal Adversary by Ilse Gort

This card is a rare example of an art that I think works better in a smaller frame than in a large one. The use of chiaroscuro is great either way, but the lack of details from a smaller size really highlights the eyes and the menace of the wolf

8- Fleshtaker by Kev Walker
I don't know if it's the flatness of the image and its colors, or the overall stillness of the character and the background, but this is somehow incredibly scary to me. Like you just stumbled upon this fella and it's fight or flight NOW

7- Wake to Slaughter by Chris Cold

I have previously praised Chris Cold by capturing "a frame of stillness before sudden action" and this is another great example. This is either an after-credit scene of a blockbuster or the moment before horror. And I love it

6- Curse of Shaken Faith by Campbell White
After a wave of horror, we have... DESPAIR! Again I am not 100% sure on why I like this one so much, but it so clearly conveys the scene it is meant to depict (especially with that flavor text) that I just love it.

5- Faithful Mending by Caroline Gariba
Contrasting the previous one, this is an amazing example of the ephemeral moments of calm that humans get in Innistrad. I particularly like the facial expression we can see, that I really think conveys a great mix of anguish and hope

4- Memory Deluge by Lake Hurwitz
A favorite thing of mine for magic art is when a whole story is told through a single card. The plot of a caretaker having to kill and bury what they once cared for is very emotional and told really well

3- Rite of Harmony by Rovina Cai
The Midnight Hunt story has worked really well at establishing the goals of the witches: Together, we are strong. Together we can create our own light against the forces of dark.

And this art says all that by itself. Rovina Cai is amazing

2- Fading Hope by Rovina Cai
Rovina Cai is so amazing, in fact, that she gets second place as well. I do not have much to say that can't be understood by simply LOOKING AT THIS INCREDIBLE PIECE OF ART.

1- Arlinn, the Pack's Hope (Equinox Frame) by Emma Rios

This is Emma Rios' first piece of art for Magic and honestly, I think it'll be very hard to beat this. It is a fairy tale made into an image, stylism that somehow feels more real than the real thing. I yearn for more

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