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We produce the EPIDEMIC and AMERICAN DIAGNOSIS podcasts and HAVE MOVED to @kffhealthnews | hosted by @celinegounder | public health and social justice

Sep 27, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ A report from the @NIHCM Foundation details how COVID disproportionately impacted those with physical & mental health disabilities — from unemployment, to adverse health outcomes.

2/ According to the @NIHCM, 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. has a disability: cognitive, hearing, mobility, vision, self-care, or independent living.

3/ People with disabilities tend to have poorer health when compared to those without disabilities. DEPRESSION stands out as a condition that significantly negatively affects one’s health.

4/ According to the @NIHCM’s, common barriers that “through their absence or presence, limit functioning & create disability” include: Attitudinal, Communication, Physical, Policy, Programmatic, Transportation, & Social Drivers of Health.

5/ People with disabilities face many barriers to accessing healthcare. These challenges include: cost, healthcare provider stereotypes, lack of appropriate provider training, & communication barriers.

6/ COVID has had a disproportionate impact on persons with disabilities.

7/ People with disabilities have faced numerous inequities when it comes to COVID: lack of data (cases & vaxx rates), inaccessible testing & vaxx sites, difficulty finding information, & returning to pre-pandemic life.

8/ @NIHCM provides solutions + strategies to support the health & well-being of people with disabilities.

9/ Last year, Dr @celinegounder & @ronaldklain spoke to @SenatorHassan & Disability Rights Activist @RebeccaCokley about the challenges persons w/ disabilities have faced during the pandemic on E14 of EPIDEMIC, “Disability Shouldn’t Be A Liability."


10/ By working together, the disability community has found ways to overcome some of these challenges. “It continues to blow my mind how innovative the disability community is because we often have to rely on ourselves,” says Cokley.
Listen to the episode: EPIDEMIC.fm

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