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Sep 27, 2021, 5 tweets

#NDTVExclusive | @IndraNooyi, Ex-Chairman and CEO, Pepsico on IIM Calcutta and the city's role in her life.

#NDTVExclusive | @IndraNooyi, Ex-Chairman and CEO, Pepsico, on the role of mentors in her life.

#NDTVExclusive | "I have a plea, support the girls in your family as much as you support boys": @IndraNooyi, Ex-Chairman and CEO, Pepsico, in an exclusive interview with @PrannoyRoyNDTV.

#NDTVExclusive | @IndraNooyi, Ex-Chairman and CEO, Pepsico, in an exclusive interview with @PrannoyRoyNDTV.

#NDTVExclusive | "Soft skills are developed when people come and work in teams; we should not lose that ability to come together": @IndraNooyi, Ex-Chairman and CEO, @PepsiCo.

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