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Stuff by Nigel Gordijk. Afro-Caribbean/Chinese-Caribbean. He/Him.

Sep 28, 2021, 11 tweets

As you may have seen, Cher was the subject of complaints by a member of the public to Wilmot's Integrity Commissioner, all of which were dismissed. The appellant refers to me a few times, and that's what I'll be addressing in this thread. 1/11

The applicant complained that Cheryl and I share similar views about the PM Path. They know this because I've appeared as a delegation at public council meetings. Had I discussed this with my wife in secret and in private, the applicant would have been none the wiser. 2/11

I could post my views anonymously online, and no one would know it was me; but I *never* do that. When I share my opinion publicly, I don't hide my identity. I am a resident of Wilmot and, like every other resident, my voice has a right to be heard, too. 3/11

On April 26, Pat and Dennis Mighton emailed Cher and suggested the appearance of white supremacist posters in Wilmot was partly my fault, and that I have been hounding Mayor Armstrong for a personal apology for sharing an WLM video. Neither of these are true. 4/11

That email was CCed to all of council, and the Mightons asked for it to be included in that evening's agenda package. The Township agreed and included the email as an addendum, which is how I got to read it. The Mightons' email address was not visible in the agenda. 5/11

I wrote to the clerk and demanded she remove the communication from the public record as it contained falsehoods about me - which she did - and I emailed the Mightons separately, telling them to stop spreading untrue information. 6/11

I got their email address from a mass email that was sent several years ago by a local author who was promoting a book, and all the recipients' addresses were visible. 7/11

I don't even know what to make about this characterization of a racist email that I was sent on Dec 8. At the previous evening's council meeting, I appeared as a delegation when the IC's findings about Mayor Armstrong sharing a WLM video were discussed. 8/11

The meeting was covered in local media on Dec 8, with quotes from my presentation. I was described in these reports as a person of colour, with no mention of my accent (as if that makes a difference). Neither the meeting nor my delegation had anything to do with SJAM. 9/11

This was the email I was sent on Dec 8. I reported it to the WRPS, who paid Mike W a visit within a couple of hours to warn him about future contact and conduct. 10/11

I don't know who filed the complaint or why they object to me voicing my views just b/c I'm married to a councillor. It's why I make my opinions known in a public forum - a council meeting, an option that is available to every resident - rather than discuss them in private. 11/11

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