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Australian snow and snow weather, hydrology, climate ... other stuff. I reciprocal follow, and reciprocal block. Abusive tweeters get an immediate block.

Sep 28, 2021, 7 tweets

Vote albatross! (Yes that is the right one, but pic was in Nzud.)

Is very much an Australian bird -- it breeds on three little islands in Tasmania and nowhere else, anywhere: Albatross Island, Pedra Branca, and the Mewstone.…

Like here (Pedra Branca, WP):

Lots of incorrect photos around the web of (Tasmania's) Mewstone. This is it:…

Albatross Island is a gentler place.…

Vote early vote often (no, really, you're supposed to):…

If youse don't vote soon the poor little Aussie battler **shy albatross** will be cut. Vote now!…

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