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Zonal Office of Press Information Bureau @PIB_India, M/o Information & Broadcasting @MIB_India, Government of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Sep 28, 2021, 6 tweets

Watch LIVE now: Webinar on #POSHANMaah, organized jointly by @robmhgoa and @PIBMumbai

@MinistryWCD @PIBWCD @smritiirani


Webinar on #POSHANMaah

📌"National Nutrition Month: Identification of severely malnourished children and distribution of nutritious food"

@BOC_MIB @robmhgoa @MIB_India @FobNagpur
@MinistryWCD @MahaWCD @airnews_nagpur @InfoNagpur


#POSHANMaah Webinar


1. Yogesh Kumbhejkar, Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Nagpur

2. Dr. Deepak Selokar, District Health Officer, Zilla Parishad, Nagpur

3. Sachin Jadhav, Child Development Project Officer, Nagpur

@FobNagpur @InfoNagpur


Diet for new born babies:

✔️Only breastfeeding for the first six months

✔️Supplements should start with solid foods frim the seventh month

-Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Nagpur, Yogesh Kumbhejkar talked about child nutrition and causes of malnutrition

Nagpur Zilla Parishad Chief Executive Officer Yogesh Kumbhejkar speaks about various schemes of the government for malnourished mothers/children.


@airnews_nagpur @InfoNagpur

In order to solve the problem of malnutrition, it is necessary to create awareness in the society in this regard and for this, various such programs should be organized.

- Child Development Project Officer, Nagpur Sachin Jadhav,

@airnews_nagpur @FobNagpur

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