zuhra⁷ ia Profile picture

Sep 28, 2021, 8 tweets

taehyung’s heartwarming relationship with his parents: a sweet thread ♡


when taehyung’s parents were at mbc gayo to support him and taete couldn't find them so he asked the staff to help him and when he found his dad he was so happy and said "appa put your hands up":)

when taehyung had a movie date with his parents and took these pictures, he is so sweet<3

Q: Person that I keep in contact with most? Members or family?

Tae: This is very hard, because as much as I do with the members, I contact my family really often. When I look at it one by one by one by one, I think I contact my dad the most.

be like him<3


[TRANS] Taehyung talked to Armys in the game room. Tata is his username

[Tae]: It's my card but my dad receives all the payment messages.

(He said he got a call from his dad after he bought game cash)

[Tae]: On Parents' Day
[Tae]: I wrote a song (for them) on Parents' Day

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